Autor: Tessa (870duesuea<zavinac>hotmail<tecka>com) (17.5.2016, 15:47:34)   odpovědět
(reakce na příspěvek od akyp (potkan80<zavinac>centrum<tecka>cz) z 27.7.2013, 10:01:38)

This is a really helpful topic Holly. You know sometimes I feel pretty self aware and things are going O.K. But when I start to take a nose dive emotionally, I often really don’t have a clue. It’s like any awareness I had flies out the window, and often I only get what’s happening when things are extreme and I’m right on the edge. I’m going to write a list for myself, but I think it’s going to take a lot of deep thinking on my part to flesh it out. Thanks for suggesting this. I ha#7n&v821e;t done anything like this before.

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